Copper Launch: Revolutionary New Launchpad – No-KYC, No Staking Tokens

Introducing Copper Launch

One of the greatest hurdles for crypto enthusiasts in certain countries are the regulatory restrictions keeping them from investing in ICOs, IDOs, and other assets. Here in the United States for example we are barred from engaging in most IDO platforms. Enter Copper, a new launchpad with no KYC restrictions. You heard me right, Americans can participate too.

Also, with Copper there is no need to stake tokens in order to engage in the IDO’s. So how does that work? Their model is called the “Fair Auction,” and is designed to help anyone who would like to acquire tokens to do so. It’s nothing like those exhausting lottery IDO’s.

Copper Launch operates on a decaying price model. That means that for each launch the price slowly drops, allowing you to decide what price is the best for you to get in on the IDO.

Copper currently works with three networks: Ethereum, Polygon, and Kovan.

There are four eligible Web3 wallets: Metamask, Gnosis Safe Wallet, WalletConnect and Ledger.

The Copper Launch Team

Alchemist is the team behind Copper. They have done some cool projects other than Copper, but there is little information about them.


Alchemist has a token know known as $MIST. They have a total and circulating supply of 1.22M coins out in the market. As for Copper itself, it does not have a token.

How to Participate In Copper Launch ICO’s

Getting started, copper makes money from swap fee and volume fee. Swap fee is what you pay to swap for auction fee, and volume fee you don’t worry about because it’s what token creators pay to have their token listed on Copper. Copper’s TLA (token launch auction) comes in three stages, scheduled but not started, early launch, completed, or completed auction with significant buying activity. You want to buy early only if you think it’s a fair price, or if you think the auction will sell out. This means there are strategies that involve the “weight” of the token vs. the stable coin in the liquidity pool.

The crazy thing is that anyone with an ERC20 token can start an auction on Copper. You must do your own research. But many projects are well established with products and development. Copper also has a third party curator called LBP launches to help vet projects and protect against scams.

Go to and you can check out the list of curated and unvetted auctions there. At my time of writing the Rain Token is currently just starting out its auction, and thus the price was still quite high.

You can follow their official Twitter here.

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